Friday, March 30, 2007

Thank You Meg, or Lenore, or maybe Rachel...

One of the privileges of being retired is the time to do something when you suddenly get an idea. I remember asking for a good pasta recipe a few months ago and either Meg or Lenore responded with the "You Won't Be Single Long Vodka Cream Pasta" recipe from Rachel Ray. So, tonite was the time to try it and it was great! I made it with butter-garlic shrimp and a green salad (had to look up what a shallot was). And wine. And some more wine....

It was so good that I'm really going to have to use the spell check after I finish this post, as my typing has gone all to h-e-double hockey sticks. Thanks Meg and Lenore.

1 comment:

Laurel said...

mmm...sounds wonderful -- if you have any left-overs you'll have to bring some up tomorrow!