Monday, March 12, 2007

Move along.... nothing to see.

Even after driving a stretch of Saskatchewan's Highway 16 for the umpteenth time, one can still be caught unawares. Returning home after visiting Grandma C in NB, somewhere about 20 km short of Lloyd, we ran across Saskatchewan Tourism's latest attempt at attracting the tourist dollar with their new roadside "comfort stations". With it's lovely coral hues and retro design, not to mention a great view, it proved too much for me to resist. As Grandma C would say, "What next?"

Speaking of our NB visit, Mom is well. She was recently awarded a lifetime membership (no dues to pay) in the NB Sr. Citizens Society. She is still playing bridge twice weekly, doing lots of reading, and busy watching the Briar. We helped clean up a few things and had a good visit, bringing her up to date on the doings of her children and grandchildren.

One thing that needs some attention is the roof on her house. The past couple of summers have seen leaks develop along the upstairs dormers leading to moisture damage in the living room and kitchen ceilings and walls. A tradesperson has been contacted to repair that first thing in the spring. The walls and ceilings need to be replastered and repainted, but first the water leaks have to be stopped. Right now there are large blisters in the ceiling and on the walls so it doesn't look so good. Plans are to repaint the kitchen, living room and front room as well as replastering the ceilings on all three rooms. Once completed, I'm sure it will be a much cheerier place for her to live.

Grandma C send a big "hi" to everyone.


Senor Ping said...

King Raymond on the Throne... or is it King Shit of Turd Island?

Laurel said...

Now that is quite the throne of Flatskatchewan!

Snowflake said...

Don't let our neighbors south of the border see this picture or they will start thinking that is the Saskatchewan version of the I-15 rest stop.