My daughters know very well that not too much (aside from Ground Hog Day) excites their father and heralds the "official" arrival of spring than the heart-warming sight of the first crow of the season.

Yes, this morning around 11:41, there they were,two harbingers of spring, perched on the roof of LCHS, raising all manner of ruckus.
We did have a couple of false alarms. Yesterday, I chased after what I thought was a congregation of the rascals, only to discover that it was a flock of ravens, not a murder of crows.

There were even a couple of untimely photos in the entertainment section of yesterday's newspaper to refute.
So, Raymondo says you can now take it to the bank. Spring is here!
Ask Allan if seeing Clint Black would also be a harbinger of Spring.....
What if you saw a magpie picking the best twigs for making it's spring nest? That was a definate sign here in Calgary. I was lucky to see that though with the fresh 4 inches of snow this morning...urgh!
Ted says spring has definately arrived! Yesterday March 10, 4:10pm Ted saw his first gopher of the year! Flattened him straight away at 116kms This means spring has officially arrived and of course another banner year for the Riders!
When it comes to the 'Riders, hope springs eternal....
I'm holding off on spring wishes just yet, as I'm too fragile emotionally to be crushed by another Calgary snowfall. This is just a Chinook, I tell myself, just a Chinook.
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