Saturday, March 8, 2008

Bailey Birthdays

March 8th - birthdays for Roni and Ted. Happy birthday to both.

As for Roni, here she is at the Restaurant Marrakesh at Epcot Center, celebrating her birthday with her sweetie. Between us we had roast lamb, beef shish kebab, pickled vegetables, couscous, spiced olives and a flaked pastry dessert. All this was washed down with Moroccan red wine and French white, as we soaked up the atmosphere of a Moroccan band and belly dancer.


Snowflake said...

Happy Birthday Ronnie! Did they get members of the audience up to try the belly dancing like they do at the Hula shows in Hawaii?

Raymondo said...

Yes, there was audience participation, but they were all 21 years old or younger!

Laurel said...

Sounds like a great birthday! Mom, I love the color of your blouse; perfect for a birthday occasion!