Monday, December 4, 2006

Angry Cats

Has anyone ever had difficulty trimming the claws on their cat? Our little Meeko, rather timid most days, dons her evil feline persona any time I approach with the claw trimmers.

Some tips ........ I've found that if you can get your knees right in the middle of her back, her feet kind of splay outwards and a guy can get most of those offending razor-sharp claws. Using the kitchen floor helps as there isn't a lot of traction for her. Easier to wipe up the blood afterwards too.


Senor Ping said...

Abbey suggests you use either an axe or chain-saw to trim the cat's nails.

Laurel said...

I'd rather trim her claws than try to get her to swallow that pink medicine again!

Ace Bailey said...

Cats squrim a lot less after they've been thrown off a building. Of course, the need to trim nails is decreased as well...