Thursday, December 14, 2006

Christmas Popcorn

When in Maui earlier this year, Roni and I stopped at a roadside stand and bought what I can only describe as the best popcorn ever! It was in a plastic bag and had some sort of sugary coating, all sorts of mixed nuts, salty stuff and was so good I felt guilty just eating it. I want to bring down some popcorn creation to Calgary for Xmas. If any of you have a killer recipe, please send it to me. I'll try it and bring lots to share.


Laurel said...

We'll have to think of something fun
(ie) peanuts, almonds, chocolate chips, caramel etc!

Snowflake said...

If you check out the site you may find the recipe you are looking for. I found a couple: Caramel Pretzel Nut popcorn and crunchy caramel snack mix look like they may be close to what you are describing. I think you should make a batch of each and we can be taste testers and help you decide which is best!!!

Ace Bailey said...

I have a great recipe:
Take, one bag popcorn.
Add six (6) beer.
Add thick, juicy (medium rare) steak for each serving
Add chicken wings
Add nachos
Remove popcorn

Best served while watching the Stamps/Leafs stomp the Riders/Eskies/Canucks/Flames/Oilers

Serves 1.