Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It's Deja Vu All Over Again ....

Faithful readers of this blog will recall that I shamelessly took advantage of my youngest brother's largesse almost exactly three years ago, on Mother's Day, 2007. It seems that Ted has sent his mother a bouquet of flowers, the card signed only "From the Good Looking One". As Roni and I were visiting her that day, Mom naturally assumed that I was the sender. Not wanting to spoil a good thing, I simply said something like "Well, I sure hope you like the flowers, Mom. I love you too!".

Well, guess what?
Yes, it happened again! In an almost lightning-like stroke of doubly good fortune, Mom received another bouquet from the "good looking one" this Mother's Day when I happened to be visiting. Once again, I modestly mumbled something and said "I love you too, Mom".

If you look back, I am even wearing the same shirt!!!

1 comment:

Laurel said...

Haha, and Grandma's wearing pink again too! Thanks for taking care of my special ladies on Mother's Day.

Expect a new shirt on Father's Day.