Our backyard was once again graced by dozens of robins this morning. They were drinking from the water fountain and the fish pond, enjoying some (slightly) fermented crab apples, and just generally horsing around. If you look back at my blogs from earlier this year you will see where they came through our yard in a springtime snowfall on their way north. Now they are headed back on their southward migration.
If you look carefully, I'm pretty sure that this guy on the bottom is the SAME ONE that was in the mountain ash tree in April! He has the same white eye ring, yellow beak, and stripes on the throat. He does have a few more gray feathers, but that is what one gets after raising a family.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
The New Fence gets a final coat!
The weather has been holding nicely so Roni and I recently ventured back to N.B. to give the new fence a final coat of paint. Ted, Colleen, Wanda, Roni and I built the fence on the July 1st weekend.
I hope everyone likes it as well as we do.
Monday, July 5, 2010
A New Fence!
This past weekend saw some furious activity at Grandma C's house. In between golf and card games, a new fence rose from the ashes of the old. Thanks to Ted, Colleen, Wanda, Roni and Ray, the southern boundary of 1292 is now more defined. All decked out in 'Rider green, this new fence is sure to turn heads! One more coat of paint should do it .... maybe with gold posts?
Grandma C admires her new fence.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Thank Goodness for Mothers and Brothers.
Thank goodness for mothers!
Almost every time we visit North Battleford we bring a few little extras back home with us. Last time, it was a bread bag partially filled with Grandma Clara's sugar cookies. The time before, it was some freshly baked buns. We've also enjoyed Nanking cherries, rhubarb, loaves of porridge bread, and, well, you get the idea. More often than not, when I've forgotten to make a dessert on my cooking days, I'll check the freezer and pull out a few of those cookies and presto, dessert is served! Thank goodness for mothers!
Thank goodness for brothers too. As I sit here this a.m., enjoying a fresh coffee and admiring a bouquet of our tulips, I am clad in a pair of brother Doug's short pants and a new Tortilla Flats t-shirt! Upstairs, I also have two more pairs of shorts, and two more t-shirts. Seems that some sizes fit me better than he, and so I am the lucky benefactor. I figure that I'm pretty much set for the summer season, clothing wise. Thank goodness for brothers!
Actually, in somewhat of a reversal, perhaps this is what may have occurred many years ago when we were kids. When the older brother outgrew his clothes they were passed along to the younger ones. I doubt that my hand-me-downs were in as good shape as those that I have most recently inherited though.
As an aside, I wonder if there are any other items out there that may not fit anymore? I'm running a bit short on casual shirts these days. As you can see from my previous blog, my "new" shirt is now at least three years old. Jackets are always good too.... leftover liquor,...... old gold......!
Almost every time we visit North Battleford we bring a few little extras back home with us. Last time, it was a bread bag partially filled with Grandma Clara's sugar cookies. The time before, it was some freshly baked buns. We've also enjoyed Nanking cherries, rhubarb, loaves of porridge bread, and, well, you get the idea. More often than not, when I've forgotten to make a dessert on my cooking days, I'll check the freezer and pull out a few of those cookies and presto, dessert is served! Thank goodness for mothers!
Thank goodness for brothers too. As I sit here this a.m., enjoying a fresh coffee and admiring a bouquet of our tulips, I am clad in a pair of brother Doug's short pants and a new Tortilla Flats t-shirt! Upstairs, I also have two more pairs of shorts, and two more t-shirts. Seems that some sizes fit me better than he, and so I am the lucky benefactor. I figure that I'm pretty much set for the summer season, clothing wise. Thank goodness for brothers!
Actually, in somewhat of a reversal, perhaps this is what may have occurred many years ago when we were kids. When the older brother outgrew his clothes they were passed along to the younger ones. I doubt that my hand-me-downs were in as good shape as those that I have most recently inherited though.
As an aside, I wonder if there are any other items out there that may not fit anymore? I'm running a bit short on casual shirts these days. As you can see from my previous blog, my "new" shirt is now at least three years old. Jackets are always good too.... leftover liquor,...... old gold......!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
It's Deja Vu All Over Again ....
Faithful readers of this blog will recall that I shamelessly took advantage of my youngest brother's largesse almost exactly three years ago, on Mother's Day, 2007. It seems that Ted has sent his mother a bouquet of flowers, the card signed only "From the Good Looking One". As Roni and I were visiting her that day, Mom naturally assumed that I was the sender. Not wanting to spoil a good thing, I simply said something like "Well, I sure hope you like the flowers, Mom. I love you too!".
Well, guess what?
Yes, it happened again! In an almost lightning-like stroke of doubly good fortune, Mom received another bouquet from the "good looking one" this Mother's Day when I happened to be visiting. Once again, I modestly mumbled something and said "I love you too, Mom".

If you look back, I am even wearing the same shirt!!!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
So last weekend, we had 80 km. per hour winds along with a few centimeters of snow for a truly delightful prairie blizzard! It was mostly gone in a few days, however yesterday and the day prior, a second storm arrived, sans the wind, thank goodness! It was a very wet snowfall, mid-calf deep.

The robins seemed not to mind however. Around a dozen or so congregated in our crabapple tree to sample last fall's delights, which are no doubt somewhat fermented by now. You can see him contemplating one more apple for the road (in the upper right hand corner).

Another even tried out the berries on the mountain ash. Nice color coordination, don't you think?
We farmers don't mind the extra moisture though. Spring should be back by the weekend.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Another One off the Bucket List
Rising long before dawn one day last week, Roni and I found ourselves out in the desert north of Phoenix. The occasion was our first hot-air balloon ride.
Regular fans half inflated the balloon before the propane burners did the rest (note that the hot air is in the balloon behind us).

Another balloon from the same company launched nearby at the same time as we did, so we had a bit of company during our ride.

Along with nine other souls and our pilot, the lift off was surprisingly uneventful - no sudden surge, or pop to free us from earth's gravity; nor any music from the Fifth Dimension. Just a sense that things on the ground were getting smaller.

Traveling along with the slight breeze, there was no sense of speed, nor any wind either, of course. The only real noise was that of the propane burners which the pilot would ignite for about 5 seconds to control our ascent/descent. When the burners were off, you could hear sounds drifting up from the ground - bird songs, traffic, construction noises, and so on. A little like being in the middle of a quiet lake in a canoe. We rose to about 3000 feet above ground level.
After about an hour aloft, our pilot brought us down in an open area about 3 or 4 miles away. We had to hop over some low bushes before finally settling down.

Awaiting us was a gourmet champagne breakfast, apparently a tradition for first-time balloonists like us!
Awaiting us was a gourmet champagne breakfast, apparently a tradition for first-time balloonists like us!
The Balloonist's Prayer
"The winds have welcomed you with softness. The sun has blessed you with his warm hands. You have flown so well and so high, that God has joined you in your laughter and set you gently back again into the loving arms of Mother Earth."
"The winds have welcomed you with softness. The sun has blessed you with his warm hands. You have flown so well and so high, that God has joined you in your laughter and set you gently back again into the loving arms of Mother Earth."
Friday, January 29, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
Scottsdale's Fashion Square Mall
The weather forecast for this week is for lots of rain and cloud, beginning Monday. We decided to make the best of our Sunday by visiting the Desert Botanical Garden at Scottsdale, just north-east of Phoenix. Heading out from the Village, we headed west on Main Street, through Tempe and the university district, right smack into the Phoenix marathon. Only a few blocks from our destination, we were told that you can't get there from here - try going back onto the freeway, switch to another freeway and make your entrance from the north - it might be open there.
OK. We do all that and end up in Scottsdale, only to be told that you can't get there from here. Maybe try another route, but it doesn't look good.
Well, folks our age can only do so much after consuming a small (16 oz.) coffee without finding a washroom. We zip into a couple of likely places only to find that they are closed on Sundays. OK. We find a mall and there, like a beacon from above is a Starbucks - hallelujah! And I'm not referring to the prospect of a coffee grande.
Mission accomplished, we wander back outside and note that this Starbucks is located in Scottsdale's Fashion Square Mall, and parked near our car is one of Scottsdale's finest, a policeman in his patrol car.
"May I ask you a question sir" I inquire politely?
"Sure" he says as he takes time out from crime-fighting. "What do you need to know?"
"How can I get to the Desert Botanical Garden with this marathon on," I ask?
"That would be real tough" he says. "Not at least until three o'clock".
"Shoot" I say! "No, just kidding! Darn it, I mean."
"That's all right", he says. "Why don't you just do what all the other white folks in Scottsdale do on a Sunday afternoon and go shopping?" (The officer in question is black.)
"You're standing outside one of the ritziest malls in the country right now. You could take your little missus in to Tiffany and Co. for a Valentine's bracelet, and pick up a new outfit for each of you at Hugo Boss. Cartier has a great spring sunglasses collection this year, and you should replace that old watch of yours at Bvlgari's. What man wouldn't like a set of BeoLab5 loudspeakers from Bang and Oulafsson? Seeing as how you are from out-of-state, you both probably need a new set of luggage from Louis Vuitton. I know Jimmy Choo has some great new 4" heel sandals that the wife might like, and you look like you could use a new belt and shoes from Gucci, sir," he says.
"If you still have some time after that, drop by Neiman Marcus and pick up one of those cute Bugatti Veyron model cars. And I don't mind saying that your wife would look darned cute in an Emilio Pucci swimsuit" he says with a wink.
Well, after being so helpful, what could we do but follow his advice? I sure wished Megan and Lenore had been along to help us find all those stores though. Where are the pros when you need them? And wouldn't it have been nice to have Laurel's counsel on choosing just the right sizes and styles? I probably picked the wrong colours on half these things. Oh well, the sales clerks did say I could always return anything as long as it hasn't been taken out of the wrapper and the Oilers win 20 consecutive games in 2010. No worries!
Raymondo takes time out to mix with the locals.
OK. We do all that and end up in Scottsdale, only to be told that you can't get there from here. Maybe try another route, but it doesn't look good.
Well, folks our age can only do so much after consuming a small (16 oz.) coffee without finding a washroom. We zip into a couple of likely places only to find that they are closed on Sundays. OK. We find a mall and there, like a beacon from above is a Starbucks - hallelujah! And I'm not referring to the prospect of a coffee grande.
Mission accomplished, we wander back outside and note that this Starbucks is located in Scottsdale's Fashion Square Mall, and parked near our car is one of Scottsdale's finest, a policeman in his patrol car.
"May I ask you a question sir" I inquire politely?
"Sure" he says as he takes time out from crime-fighting. "What do you need to know?"
"How can I get to the Desert Botanical Garden with this marathon on," I ask?
"That would be real tough" he says. "Not at least until three o'clock".
"Shoot" I say! "No, just kidding! Darn it, I mean."
"That's all right", he says. "Why don't you just do what all the other white folks in Scottsdale do on a Sunday afternoon and go shopping?" (The officer in question is black.)
"You're standing outside one of the ritziest malls in the country right now. You could take your little missus in to Tiffany and Co. for a Valentine's bracelet, and pick up a new outfit for each of you at Hugo Boss. Cartier has a great spring sunglasses collection this year, and you should replace that old watch of yours at Bvlgari's. What man wouldn't like a set of BeoLab5 loudspeakers from Bang and Oulafsson? Seeing as how you are from out-of-state, you both probably need a new set of luggage from Louis Vuitton. I know Jimmy Choo has some great new 4" heel sandals that the wife might like, and you look like you could use a new belt and shoes from Gucci, sir," he says.
"If you still have some time after that, drop by Neiman Marcus and pick up one of those cute Bugatti Veyron model cars. And I don't mind saying that your wife would look darned cute in an Emilio Pucci swimsuit" he says with a wink.
Well, after being so helpful, what could we do but follow his advice? I sure wished Megan and Lenore had been along to help us find all those stores though. Where are the pros when you need them? And wouldn't it have been nice to have Laurel's counsel on choosing just the right sizes and styles? I probably picked the wrong colours on half these things. Oh well, the sales clerks did say I could always return anything as long as it hasn't been taken out of the wrapper and the Oilers win 20 consecutive games in 2010. No worries!
By the way, we did make it to the Desert Botannical Gardens around three o'clock that afternoon, although with the car's trunk almost dragging on the ground. We passed up the Ferrari and Lamborghini dealerships, figuring we might well have to sell Doug and Lenore's RV just to make the minimum VISA payment next month.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
You think A-Rod has it tough?
Those of you who have been following my athletic endeavors have no doubt been concerned about my recovery from those two red road rashes on my knees. To disbelief and sometimes outright laughter I've been telling people that they are rug burns. But I digress. You'll be relieved to learn that they have nearly stopped bleeding and are healing nicely; nicely enough that on Tuesday I was out on the ball diamond again with the team.
Hopes were high as the mighty Val Vista Villagers were mightily stoked to take on the Apache Wells Warriors. The day previously, we even took practice at our batting-cage facility! We each had about three sets of 20 swings at the pitching machine's offerings. If I do say so myself, my last set would have yielded about 10-15 hits.... not too bad for a guy who didn't really make the big impression he hoped the last time out.
I took my usual yoga stretching exercises, then catching warm-ups followed by fielding practice. At my first opportunity to chase down a fly ball, something rather weird happened - I couldn't run! What the heck?? I tried again, but one would never confuse me with the guy whose nickname used to be the "gazelle"!

Let me tell you, when I looked at the inside of my thigh the next day and saw the angry purple color from my knee all the way up to my ...... groin, my response was also disbelief, but certainly not laughter!
After a couple of days of very slowly hobbling around, my thoughts were that perhaps I should take a month's leave from the rigours of slow-pitch and take up something less strenuous, like kick-boxing or running marathons. I mean, I'm not 25 any more. If I were, say, like Allan, I would fully expect to recover by lunchtime. But I'm not. I might not fully recover until March!
Hopes were high as the mighty Val Vista Villagers were mightily stoked to take on the Apache Wells Warriors. The day previously, we even took practice at our batting-cage facility! We each had about three sets of 20 swings at the pitching machine's offerings. If I do say so myself, my last set would have yielded about 10-15 hits.... not too bad for a guy who didn't really make the big impression he hoped the last time out.
I took my usual yoga stretching exercises, then catching warm-ups followed by fielding practice. At my first opportunity to chase down a fly ball, something rather weird happened - I couldn't run! What the heck?? I tried again, but one would never confuse me with the guy whose nickname used to be the "gazelle"!

Seems I must have overdone my warm-ups a tad and pulled a groin muscle.
Rather sheepishly, I quietly advised my manager Dale that I'd not be a position to help the team much today. His response seemed to be a mixture of disbelief and outright laughter (Dale is 75 and his brother, the pitcher, is 80).Let me tell you, when I looked at the inside of my thigh the next day and saw the angry purple color from my knee all the way up to my ...... groin, my response was also disbelief, but certainly not laughter!
After a couple of days of very slowly hobbling around, my thoughts were that perhaps I should take a month's leave from the rigours of slow-pitch and take up something less strenuous, like kick-boxing or running marathons. I mean, I'm not 25 any more. If I were, say, like Allan, I would fully expect to recover by lunchtime. But I'm not. I might not fully recover until March!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
A League of His Own?
I hadn't yet finished unpacking the trunk of the car on Sunday when a neighbour at the Val Vista RV park approached and invited me to participate in a slow-pitch game (these guys don't waste any time). "What the heck", I thought, it's not like my dance card was filled up yet. "OK" I said, where and when?
A couple of days later, Dale and his brother Roy picked me up and stopped off at the batting cage on the way to the park - "just for a few practice swings" they said. I got the distinct impression that, despite an apparent recommendation from a now-absent snowbird, they were wondering about just what they had invited on to their team. Well after about 20 pitches and a couple of hits (hey, it has been a few years since I last swung a bat in anger) we were off to Apache Wells and the diamond. These guys were 15 or 20 years older than me so what's to worry about?
Actually, I may have been the youngest player on either team and definitely the best-looking.
The sun was warm with clear skies and little wind. Everyone was friendly and laid-back, greeting each other after the Christmas and New Year's break. Most of that cameraderie evaporated rather quickly with the first disputed play. "Oh, these guys take their ball seriously" I thought. And one could certainly see that in years gone by, these players were probably all better than I had been.
Well, after a few at-bats, I managed a couple of hits, an RBI or two and a face plant between first and second base. Seems my legs were not working in sync with my visualizations.... Oh well, wiped off the blood (an initiation of sorts, I figure) and carried on. Arriving back at the RV, Dale presented me with a grapefruit right off his tree and invited me back next Tuesday. I'll see. This morning, this body is definitely feeling the effects of swinging a bat and a long layoff from almost any type of running, never mind base-running. Those guys are tough!!!

Raymondo with the proffered grapefruit (yes I know it's called a "cactus league" in Arizona, but close enough), and a smile. Notice the two skinned knees.
A couple of days later, Dale and his brother Roy picked me up and stopped off at the batting cage on the way to the park - "just for a few practice swings" they said. I got the distinct impression that, despite an apparent recommendation from a now-absent snowbird, they were wondering about just what they had invited on to their team. Well after about 20 pitches and a couple of hits (hey, it has been a few years since I last swung a bat in anger) we were off to Apache Wells and the diamond. These guys were 15 or 20 years older than me so what's to worry about?
Actually, I may have been the youngest player on either team and definitely the best-looking.
The sun was warm with clear skies and little wind. Everyone was friendly and laid-back, greeting each other after the Christmas and New Year's break. Most of that cameraderie evaporated rather quickly with the first disputed play. "Oh, these guys take their ball seriously" I thought. And one could certainly see that in years gone by, these players were probably all better than I had been.
Well, after a few at-bats, I managed a couple of hits, an RBI or two and a face plant between first and second base. Seems my legs were not working in sync with my visualizations.... Oh well, wiped off the blood (an initiation of sorts, I figure) and carried on. Arriving back at the RV, Dale presented me with a grapefruit right off his tree and invited me back next Tuesday. I'll see. This morning, this body is definitely feeling the effects of swinging a bat and a long layoff from almost any type of running, never mind base-running. Those guys are tough!!!
Raymondo with the proffered grapefruit (yes I know it's called a "cactus league" in Arizona, but close enough), and a smile. Notice the two skinned knees.
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