Sunday, December 28, 2008

What do you make of this?

On the way home from a truly delightful "Bailey Christmas" in Eatonia yesterday, we came across a rather bizarre and unexpected sight. About ten km. south of Unity, we saw what we first thought was an Eagle on Hwy. 21. Upon closer inspection, it was a turkey vulture! On the road was the subject of his attention, a newly deceased jackrabbit. A couple of magpies were trying to share in the bonanza as well.

This was a juvenile turkey vulture, and like his kin all over the world, was evidently unaware that his continued presence in a hostile environment may have less than desirable consequences for his health. Nevertheless, he did seem delighted with his lagomorphaic discovery.

We troubled him no further, but I couldn't help but ponder whether there was a prophetic message in such an unusual encounter. After all, this is Saskatchewan in mid-winter (-18C), and this fellow is far from his normal roosting spot at this time of year. Perhaps a reader of this blog might offer an opinion or insight?

1 comment:

Senor Ping said...

.....perhaps an economic indicator for 2008!!!