The time is drawing near when even the most devoted of us Eskimo fans must admit to the realities of the situation - things are not looking too good these days. Stuck in the basement of the CFL West, we blew another game yesterday, and the Stamps win today. Those "pesky 'Riders are still hanging around even though August is long gone. How has it come to this?
One would think that after having not missed the playoffs for 35 years, my presence as a season ticket holder the last two years would have inspired the lads to even more dizzying heights. But no, both last year and this, just the opposite happens.
It's getting a bit tough to make the trip every couple of weeks only to have my spirits crushed once again. Anyone want to go halfs with me on my season tickets next year?
I heard the fat lady singing here in Prague
This is why, Uncle Ray, why you're not a Riders fan. True Riders Fans are loyal and will travel across seas of wheat, mountain ranges and EVEN the Manitoba border to see their team lose.
But I guess the Riders aren't stinking up the joint like the Eskimos these days, are they?
From Paris.....it sounds like Kate singing.....sing, sang, sung
How do you say "tout finis" in french?
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