Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day Surprise!

Roni, Kel and I visited Mom in NB on Sunday. She looks and feels good. Her garden is growing like a garden is supposed to grow in the spring with lots of flowers and blossoms on the fruit trees.

She was particularly delighted with a bouquet of cut flowers that had been delivered a day or two before. "Oh Ray, thank you so much for the lovely flowers" she said.

I looked at the card which read something like:

"From the good-looking one.....
the one that lives in Calgary......
the one that you last gave birth to .....
to the best Mom in the World .......
Happy Mother's day!"

"Didn't you read the card yet" I asked?

"Only the first line. I didn't have to read the rest, because I just knew it had to be from you", she said.

Well, what could I do?

"Happy Mother's Day Mom", I said. "You're the best Mom in the whole world"!


Meg said...

I thought I was the goodlooking one that lived in Calgary.

Raymondo said...

You are, Megan!